What is Rotary?

When Rotary was Born

Rotary was born in Chicago, Illinois on the 23rd of February in 1905.

The main objective of a Rotary club is service -- in the community, in the workplace, and throughout the world.

Rotary International (RI) has developed a broad range of programs designed to help clubs carry out this vital mission. Some of these programs have been underway for many years, while others have been developed more recently to meet emerging needs.

Addressing Today’s Critical Issues

Rotary's community development programs address many of today's most critical issues -- hunger, the environment, and literacy.

Rotary International also offers programs that focus primarily on young people. Youth programs include service clubs for high school students and young adults, leadership training workshops, and student exchanges.

Enabling Information Sharing

The international component of RI programs enables clubs and districts to assist Rotary efforts abroad. Clubs and districts can also share information and arrange exchanges with Rotarians in other countries.

Vocational concerns figure in many club and district projects designed to promote high ethical standards. These standards apply to the workplace and help young people as well.

Let’s create positive change in our world!

Be The Good. Consider becoming a Rotarian today!

Please take a moment and read the Rotary Basics Brochure. Then, consider joining our club and together we'll Create Hope in the World!

The First Four Rotarians

From left: Gustavus Loehr, Silvester Schiele, Hiram E. Shorey, Paul P. Harris