Our club members donated...
$4,295 to help hurricane Helene's victims in North Carolina.
Our club members are showing unity...
in supporting Rotary International’s effort in eradicating Polio throughout the world.
Donation to East Cooper Faith Network
$1,000 donation
Left to Right: Mitch Sherr (Charities Committee Chair), Sarah Wendell (ECFN representative), Cherie Troutt (Charities Committee), Lewis Lee (Past President).
Mark Buchman, Wando's Athletic Director...
Receives a $500 donation from Rotary for his help with the Soccer Classic.
Lewis Lee, David Kent, and Lou Mello...
joined the Rotary Polio Plus Society on 02-08-2023.
Gala 2022 Committee gives donation check
To a Fisher House representative.
Clinton Dunn giving a year end appreciation gift
To S&P Catering Co. for providing us wonderful meals at our weekly meetings.
Stephanie Kelly ECCO receives donation...
From the Mount Pleasant SC Rotary Club.
Donation to ECCO 2021
Andrea Ulmer presents a $1,000 donation to ECCO.
Chris Brooks receives a check for East Cooper Meals on Wheels (2016).
Chris Brooks receives a check for East Cooper Meals on Wheels (2015).
Jack Little receives a check for ECCO (East Cooper Community Outreach. (2015)
Thom Gault receives a check for ECFN (East Cooper Faith Network). 2015
LucyBeckham accepts checks for Wando Dream Weavers and the Wando Beckham Scholars
Don Hall receives a check for Teacher's Supply Closet. (2015)
Ron Pringle receives a check for TriCounty Ministries. (2015)
Rob Dewey, Rich Robinson, Frannie Baker from Coastal Crisis Ministry. (2015)
William Etheridge - Boy Scouts (2015)
Jim Ledbetter - ITN Charleston (2015)
Margaret Merritt - Lamb Institute (2015)
Shannon O'Brien - LAPS (2015)
Stacy Denaux - 180 Place (2015)
Shannon O'Brien - LAPS 2014
Marco Corona and Emily Lee - 180 Place (2014)